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The Worplesdon Witness, July 2020

Jan Messinger with her latest round-up of news from the parish of Worplesdon Little Angels will not reopen, while the Farmhouse Café will on Monday, July 20 Rokers, at Fairlands,…

The Worplesdon Witness, June 2020

Jan Messinger with her latest round-up of news from the parish of Worplesdon… What’s changed since mid May Well, dogs are happy. Not only are they getting plenty of exercise,…

The Worplesdon Witness May 2020

Jan Messinger with her latest round-up of news from the parish of Worplesdon… VE Day 75th anniversary celebrations As people celebrated Victory in Europe Day 75, on Friday, May 8,…

The Worplesdon Witness: April 2020

Jan Messinger with her latest round-up of news from the parish of Worplesdon Events that did not take place! This round-up should have included the Weyside Urban Village meeting hosted…

The Worplesdon Witness: March 2020 Update

Jan Messinger with her latest round-up of news from the parish of Worplesdon Parish churches’ change to regular events In line with advice from the Guildford Diocese, Worplesdon’s St Mary’s…

The Worplesdon Witness: Storm Damage, Road Name Proposals, Burns Night And Forthcoming Events

Jan Messinger with her latest round-up of news from the parish of Worplesdon. Spring has sprung Worplesdon Parish Council has installed planters outside Fairlands’ parade of shops, and children from…

The Worplesdon Witness: Featuring Forthcoming Events, Wildlife, Merrist Wood College, Fairlands Community Centre And More

Jan Messinger with her latest round-up of news from the parish of Worplesdon Plenty going on in the local community BBC Radio 4′ Gardeners’ Question Time is being held at…

The Worplesdon Witness: Focusing On Climate Emergency, Carbon Footprint, Recycling, Christmas And More

Jan Messinger with her second round-up of news from the parish of Worplesdon How to react to the climate emergency Worplesdon Parish Council hosted an event titled How should Guildford…

The Worplesdon Witness: It’s Christmas Here!

Introducing the first of a new regular column that sits within our Opinion section, that also features the Effingham Eye and the Ash Aspect. Worplesdon resident and parish councillor Jan…