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University To Help More Local Young People Access Higher Education

The University of Surrey has been selected to lead a local network of institutions, including Royal Holloway, the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) and Farnborough Technical College, to encourage…

Charity That Helps People In Debt Is Expecting A Rush Of Calls

Christians Against Poverty (CAP), a charity that helps people with debt problems and with a centre in Guildford, is bracing itself for more calls for help than ever before. It reports that the…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.79

By Malcolm Fincham Recalling last winter’s floods, it was certainly easier to start 2015 with a much drier walk on my annual new year’s visit to Stoke Nature Reserve. This time, however, I…

Richard’s Wey, January 2015

The latest of our riverbank tales from the local Stoke lengthsman Richard Cant Happy new year and I hope you all had a good Christmas. After the flooding event of…

Here Comes 5G – All The Way From Guildford!

By Anna Valentina The telecommunication scientists at the University of Surrey are preparing themselves for a big celebration: a brand new building for the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) is to…

Citizens Advice Bureau Braced For Surge Of New Year Debt Inquiries

Guildford Citizens Advice Bureau is expecting a surge in people getting help with debt problems. Figures from the national charity predict that more than 2,000 people a day will get debt help…

Church Says Plans Are Progressing Well In Bid To Sell Off Graveyard

The rector of a Guildford church is pleased that plans to sell off land, in the form of a closed graveyard, in order to raise funds to expand its buildings is progressing. A six-week…

Claire’s Column – Speak Up: It’s Your Town Too

In this regular column – a must-read for all those interested in Guildford business – Claire Dee calls for the local business community to air its views on the town’s…

Letter: How It Is Possible To Retain Subway

From Bibhas Neogi Good news that work on the new crossing next to the subway will not start until the improvement to four arms of the York Road and Stoke…

MP Says ‘Local Action Gets Results’

Guildford MP Anne Milton has said she is thrilled that the developer building the new Waitrose store will wait until the crossing at Stoke Road / York Road is upgraded before the…