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Letter: A281 Flooding Reveals Poor Maintenance and a Shabby Borough

From M. Bedforth I am writing regarding the A281 flooding on Sunday (August 10). Not so long ago, Surrey County Council (SCC) laid special drainpipes to take excess surface water…

Letter: Please Scoop After Poop and Don’t Drop Litter

From Jim Allen Following the article about the Green Flag Awards, given to several parks and open spaces in Guildford, I am writing in praise of the anonymous litter pickers,…

Letter: Most Of Us Do Recognise Guildford’s Housing Need

From Fiona White Out of all the people I have spoken to about the local plan and housing numbers, I think maybe two or three have suggested that we should…

Letter: Is This the Last Harvest We’ll See on Blackwell Farm?

From Lisa Wright Last week I saw the dust clouds from the combine harvester on the fields of Blackwell Farm and dashed out with my camera to witness a sight…

Letter: Extra Lanes and Extra Houses Will Not Solve Our Problems

From Adrian Atkinson Proposals for extra fourth and fifth lanes for our roads reminds me of an ancient Ben Elton sketch describing additional lanes on the M25. He compared it…

Letter: Another View of the University’s Development Plans

From Malcolm Williamson I wish to put forward my view on the subject of plans to develop the University of Surrey and how the plans can be tied to those…

Letter: Government Should Let the Steam Out of the South East Pressure Cooker

From John Robson You can tweak the timing of the traffic signals on both Egerton Road and the “gyratory” which might allow you “press the pedal to metal” for the…

Letter: Two Wheeled Transport Is A Better Solution Than Congestion Charging

From John Robinson Whenever traffic congestion is mentioned, why is congestion charging always seen as the answer? Isn’t it just an opportunity for even more taxes? I commute by scooter,…

Letter: Local Plan Flaws Are Even Worse Than Described

From Roland McKinney Although Graham Moore illustrates some of the flaws in the Draft Local Plan, the picture is actually much worse than he describes. This is because the projections…

Letter: What Are The ‘Exceptional Circumstances’ That Would Justify Altering the Green Belt?

From Ben Paton Guildford Borough Council’s (GBC) Draft Local Plan is not logical or sound because it does not set out the “exceptional circumstances” on which GBC relies to make…