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Letter: Combined Pedestrian/Cycle Paths Require Careful Planning

From Bibhas Neogi For safety reasons wherever possible cycle lanes/path should be segregated from the pedestrians. Design standards and guidance notes exist that give guidance on how this segregation should…

Letter: A Council In Crisis – Five Things They Should Do

From Gordon Bridger Hon Alderman I do not think that many residents or readers are aware of the appalling mess that the Executive of Guildford Borough Council has landed us…

Letter: Losing Our Orchestra Could Reflect The Loss Of Our Community Spirit

From Bernard Parke Hon Alderman We once, for several decades, actually had our own Guildford Civic Hall, as all the surrounding communities also have their Village Halls: places where local…

Letter: Why Doesn’t GVG Become a ‘Neighbourhood Forum’?

From Jim Allen I wonder why the Guildford Vision Group has not gone down the Neighbourhood Forum route? Simply put (but nothing is ever that simple): Firstly get 21 (or…

Letter: Traffic Solutions? They Are All On My Website

From Bibhas Neogi I would like to draw Cllr Tony Phillips’ and Cllr Fiona White’s attention to my web site ( In addition to suggested improvements of the gyratory, it…

Letter: Legal Opinions Are a Devastating Indictment of The Council

From Gordon Bridger Hon Alderman The conclusion of two eminent QCs that the planning reports produced by the Council, which, prior to their last minute withdrawal, were expected to be…

Letter: Livestock Returning to The Mount

From Bernard Parke Hon Alderman The Parks and Countryside Services of Guildford Borough Council have announced that they about to re-introduce sheep and cattle to graze on the Mount once…

Letter: ‘Shocked and Appalled’ at GBC Executive’s Behaviour

From Dr Mary Alexander I am shocked and appalled that GBC’s Executive was preparing to act illegally, apparantly, by accepting the Interim Town Centre Framework on Thursday evening [6 Aug].…

Letter: Guildford Planning, An Holistic Approach Is Required

From Bibhas Neogi I agree with Auriol Earle [see letter ‘Plans Must Consider Guildford As A Whole Not Just A Town Centre!‘]. The vision should include not just the town…

Letter: Do We Still Need Ordinary Councillors?

From Bernard Parke Hon Alderman We have seen recently that all major policy decisions are made by a group of eight selected councillors. To qualify for this elite band one…