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Letter: Advertising Boards in the High Street Are Becoming A Menace

Published on: 2 Sep, 2013
Updated on: 2 Sep, 2013

From Eddie Ward

I wish sometimes that things did not annoy me but this is now getting me going.

Three A Boards outside The Angel Inn. Another three were in Angel Gate.

Three A Boards outside The Angel Inn…

There were six  advertising ‘A boards’ outside The Angel this morning, three in the High Street and three in Angel Gate that runs alongside.

A lorry was parked on the road right by the boards so pedestrians were left with just a narrow passageway to get through.

These A boards are all over the place and are becoming a menace. I spotted one near Boots, two outside Vision Express and two outside the Star Inn.

A Boards 3

…another three were in Angel Gate

Some of them don’t even belong to the businesses they are next to. Don’t they need planning permission? They are affecting the safety of pedestrians.

I wonder what other readers think?

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