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Charity Runner Had Medals Stolen While Competing In USA

Published on: 28 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 28 Nov, 2012

A Guildford woman returned from USA after running a marathon for charity to discover burglars had stolen medals from her home.

Surrey Police report that the burglary took place between Tuesday, November 6, and Monday, November 12, at an address in Wodeland Avenue. The items are of great sentimental value to the woman.

She had flown to New York to take part in a marathon to raise funds for Cancer Research. On her return she found that a number of gold and silver button-sized personal medals had been stolen. They are engraved with the words ‘Cheltenham Festival – Dancing and Singing.’

Detective Constable James West said: “I urgently ask anyone who may have been offered to buy these medals or may have seen them for sale at perhaps a car boot sale to contact us.

“The sad thing is that these medals will not have any monetary worth, but have great sentimental value to the owner who won the medals as a child and are irreplaceable.”

Another burglary took place during the morning of November 12 in Wodeland Avenue when an elderly woman disturbed a person in her hallway and discovered a small wooden mahogany box containing a collection of old watches were stolen.

Anyone who witnessed these burglaries, or has information, is asked to call Surrey Police on 101, quoting reference GD/12/10169, or call independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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