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Class A in Underwear Leads to Jail Sentence

Published on: 22 Oct, 2024
Updated on: 22 Oct, 2024

Mohammed Miah

A stop and search by plain clothes officers in Farnham found a drug dealer with a supply of crack cocaine stuffed down his pants.

Plain clothes officers were carrying out proactive patrols back in April when they spotted a high-performance VW Golf at a petrol station. Checks showed it as being from out of the county and on approach they could smell a strong scent of cannabis.

They decided to search it and inside found a packet of suspected cannabis, cash, and a large glass container which also smelt of cannabis.

Messages visible on the drivers mobile phone revealed his potential involvement in a county drugs line and the supply of Class A drugs.

Suleyman Rajab, 26, from Hackney, was arrested and taken to Guildford custody where a search of his person found a package containing wraps of suspected crack cocaine stuffed in his underwear.

Rajab was charged with possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin. He was remanded to court the next day and pleaded guilty to all offences.

Further police investigation identified a second man Mohammed Miah, 28, from Walthamstow – as being involved in the running of the county drugs line Rajab was working for. Miah was charged with being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin and pleaded guilty to both offences.

On Thursday, June 13, Miah appeared at Guildford Crown Court and was sentenced to four years in prison. Rajab remained on remand and on Wednesday 16 October was sentenced to 16 months prison sentence suspended for two years.

PC Matt Webb, from West Surrey’s Proactive Criminal Investigations Department, said: “We are always working to identify and dismantle organised crime networks and drug supply lines coming into Surrey.

“I would urge anyone who has information or concerns regarding the supply or use of drugs in their local area to come forward and report it to us so we can continue building up our intelligence picture, and targeting those people who bring nothing but harm into our communities.”

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