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Corrected: Classic Car Event Raises £8,411 for Guildford-Based Bowel Cancer Charity

Published on: 8 Jun, 2023
Updated on: 10 Aug, 2024

This year’s annual classic car event, the GUTS Motor Tour, made a record £8,411 on April 23 for the Guildford-based charity GUTS.

Please see corrected date of this year’s event below.

GUTS works to improve bowel cancer screening, detection and survival rates from its base at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, said one of the tour organisers Stefan Reynolds.

Les and Dee Searle in their Lagonda won ‘Spirit of the Tour’ with their very brave entry, given the weather at the GUTS Motor Tour in April 2023. Photo by Phil Kemp.

Stefan said: “The tour started in the drizzle at Squires garden centre in Milford where entrants collected their packs, enjoyed a breakfast and then set off for a 60-mile drive through Surrey and West Sussex to their final destination, Wakehurst Place. The midway stop was the recently extended Newbridge garden centre near Horsham.

“The drizzle was easing by the time most cars had arrived at Wakehurst, owned by the National Trust but managed by Kew and home to the Millennium Seed Bank, alongside more than 500 acres of gardens with their wonderful variety of plants.

“With our very own section of the car park, entrants were able to mingle alongside fellow car enthusiasts, enjoy their picnics and spend time seeing all that Wakehurst had to offer.

“The day was a great success and was the best money spinner to date, with an amazing £8,411 being raised on the day – a record! Thanks to all who entered and came on the day!

Some of the classic cars on display at Wakehurst at the GUTS Motor Tour. Photo by Phil Kemp.

“The GUTS Motor Tour, started 19 years ago, was postponed from its planned date in September 2022 by the death of the Queen.

“The organiser’s thanks also go to Penningtons Manches Cooper for sponsoring the car plates, to everyone who donated a raffle prize, to McLaren for donating a nose cone they successfully auctioned, to their photographer Phil Kemp, to Jan and Liz for selling raffle tickets, all marshalls who helped on the day, and to Squires at Milford, Newbridge garden centre and Wakehurst for their hospitality.

“If you have a classic car and would like to join the next GUTS Motor Tour, it takes place on Sunday,  September 15. Please email for an entry form.”

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Responses to Corrected: Classic Car Event Raises £8,411 for Guildford-Based Bowel Cancer Charity

  1. Chris Orthodoxou Reply

    August 10, 2024 at 9:38 am

    The GUTS Classic Car Tour is Sunday, 15th September, not the 17th.

    Editor’s response: Thank you for pointing out our error. The article has now been corrected.

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