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Closure Order Placed On ‘Cuckooed’ Drug House

Published on: 26 May, 2018
Updated on: 29 May, 2018

A house in Ash that police claim was used as a base for drug dealing has been made the subject of a Closure Order, making it a criminal offence for anyone other the tenants to enter the address.

The police believe the residents of the house, at an address the police have not disclosed near the Greyhound roundabout, had been “cuckooed” by a transient drug dealer – an activity where criminals take over the home of a vulnerable person in order to use it as a base for drug dealing or other crimes.

The crime came to light on Tuesday, May 15, when the police received reports of a stabbing at the house at around 1am.  The police have reported that when officers arrived they established that two vulnerable adults had been “cuckooed” by a transient drug dealer, who was the victim of the stabbing.

Three people were arrested in connection with the stabbing and released under investigation. A man was treated in hospital for non-life threatening injuries.

Lucy Lumsden, from the Surrey Police Anti-Social Behaviour Team, said: “It is understood that the vulnerable tenants had been exploited and subjected to violence prior to the incident on May 15 for a period of weeks, as the drug dealer had been using their property as his base and had essentially taken over their home.

“Further enquiries established that the local community had also been impacted by violent incidents, drug dealing and the anti-social behaviour associated with this address – reporting that numerous visitors were coming and going at all hours, which was causing a disturbance and making residents feel unsafe in their own homes.”

On May 17, police secured a Closure Order, which was granted by Staines Magistrates Court. This will remain in effect until 11.59pm on Thursday, August 16. The order makes it a criminal offence for anyone other the vulnerable tenants to enter the address.

Lucy Lumsden added: “We take this type of anti-social behaviour very seriously and would urge anyone who is the victim of cuckooing to contact us. If you are concerned that a family member or friend may be the victim of cuckooing, I would ask you to speak to them and check on their welfare, and if you are still concerned please contact us so we can tackle this type of crime.”

Police are appealing for anyone who might have seen or heard anything in relation to the stabbing to call Surrey Police on 101 quoting PR/45180050332 . Alternatively, the independent charity Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.

The police have listed the signs people should look out for in relation to drug dealing

  • Numerous visitors to a property who don’t stay long and arrive at all times of the day and night
  • People waiting in cars outside a particular property exchanging small packets or money
  • Numerous visitors bringing items such as TVs or bicycles but leaving empty-handed
  • Vulnerable neighbours suddenly having groups of young men living at their address
  • People hanging around in communal areas or parks, possibly leaving packages or envelopes in unusual places

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