A new project enabling older people in the north Guildford area to be better connected with their community is gathering pace.
Following on from our story in late December that outlined the scheme, its co-ordinator Denise Graves has now made good progress in finding people who have volunteered to become a Community Connector as well as elderly people who will benefit from their help.
And on Saturday it was awarded a further £10,000 cash boost from Travel SMART after a successful community bid along with other organisations in the Stoughton and Stokes areas of Guildford. (Separate story to come).
However, on Friday last week Denise held a successful get together and training session with those who have already signed up, along with others who have expressed an interest in becoming a Community Connector.
At the informal meeting, held at the Park Barn Centre, Denise outlined the role they will undertake. There were also presentations by Amanda Eastlaugh on behalf of the Guildford and Waverley Care and Repair Scheme, and the Handy Person Scheme, both of which offer assistance for repairs and improvements to the homes of elderly people; and an interesting talk by Carole Sharpe, a training assistant from the Surrey Association for Visual Impairment (SAVI).
Community Connectors aims to connect with those elderly people who may be at risk, or have experienced loneliness and isolation, with activities, services or maybe something new.
The project is being funded by Surrey Healthy Homes and run by Voluntary Action South West Surrey.
For more details, call Denise Graves at Voluntary Action South West Surrey on 01483 504626, or on her mobile 0782541704.
Click here to read our previous story that has even more details about the project.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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