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Compton Right-turn Ban Is Councils’ Solution to Cut Idling and Fight Air Pollution

Published on: 5 Jul, 2019
Updated on: 9 Jul, 2019

By Rebecca Curley

local democracy reporter

A ban on turning right into Compton is going to be trialled to prevent traffic from idling while in long queues in a bid to reduce air pollution in the area.

But villagers say they want still more action such as a ban on lorries along the village roads and traffic lights to help the flow.

In 2017, levels of nitrogen dioxide were found to exceed air quality standards in Compton.

Guildford Borough Council (GBC) designated the area around Down Lane and The Street in Compton as an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and consulted on how to tackle the higher-than-average levels of pollution.

Surrey County Council highways did not support a ban on HGVs or reducing the speed limit to 20mph and traffic lights were not endorsed by any organisation consulted with.

So GBC made a queuing survey in 2019 and it is hoped the closure of the right-turn into Down Lane from The Street will help peak hours traffic queues and reduce nitrogen dioxide levels by 2021.

Map showing the impact of right turn ban in Compton – Google Maps

Traffic will have to go to the roundabout just to the north of the junction and come back down The Street to turn into Down Lane from that direction.

The ban will cost GBC £5,000 but will be reviewed.

Cllr Ramsey Nagaty

The Guildford and Surrey County Council joint committee endorsed the trial ban at its their meeting on Wednesday, July 3, but it was made clear that residents want more action.

Cllr Ramsey Nagaty (GGG, Shalford) said: “We just feel in Compton that we are getting the brunt of the problem. We would like to see further steps implemented now rather than waiting for six months to find out if the right turn ban has worked.

“We need to find a way to get going on with this now.”

Cllr Matt Furniss

County Cllr Matt Furniss (Con, Shalford), SCC lead member for highways, said he welcomed the trial but felt there needed to be a bigger solution such as a park and ride scheme in the southern area of Guildford.

Councillors at the meeting also designated parts of Shalford as an AQMA after higher-than-normal levels of nitrogen dioxide were found along small sections of the A281.

Cllr Nagaty believes an AQMA will also be necessary for Artington where excessive nitrous oxide levels were also recorded on the Old Portsmouth Road during the 12-month study period.

An action plan will now be drawn up for measures to reduce air pollution in Shalford once the AQMA is planned.

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Responses to Compton Right-turn Ban Is Councils’ Solution to Cut Idling and Fight Air Pollution

  1. Bibhas Neogi Reply

    July 8, 2019 at 1:27 pm

    I believe the route through Compton is used as a ‘southern bypass’ from the A81 and the A3100 to the A3.

    What is really needed is a proper bypass to replace this congested route.

    Also a south eastern bypass from Shalford to the A25 Parkway in a tunnel to bypass Guildford Town centre.

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