A lead councillor for the rural economy has been added to Guildford Borough Council’s Tory led Executive.
Cllr Terence Patrick (Con, Send) will have a wide ranging portfolio to include: the rural economy and partnerships, rural sustainable development, countryside, parks and sport, rural arts, culture and heritage, rural visitor and leisure strategy and services, SANGs (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space) and green belt protection.
In a press statement, council leader Stephen Mansbridge said: : “Cllr Patrick will take on this important area of work to help us focus on the needs of our rural communities.
“We must do all we can to support the rural economy, which plays a leading role in the overall success of our borough. This new portfolio will also help us to work with our rural communities to address the challenges they face.”
The full Executive now comprises:
Cllr Stephen Mansbridge – leader of the council.
Cllr Nigel Manning – deputy leader and lead councillor for finance and asset management
Cllr Richard Billington – lead councillor for community safety and health
Cllr Sarah Creedy – lead councillor for housing and social welfare
Cllr Matt Furniss – lead councillor for transport, infrastructure and environment
Cllr Gordon Jackson – lead councillor for economic development
Cllr Murray Grubb Jnr – lead councillor for transformation
Cllr Paul Spooner – lead councillor for licensing and governance
Cllr Terence Patrick – lead councillor for the rural economy
For more information on councillors and their responsibilities, visit www.guildford.gov.uk/
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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Martin Elliott
November 8, 2014 at 9:08 pm
Smoke and mirrors in best politician manner.
Cllr Mansbridge still doesn’t formalise the important portfolios he has ‘absorbed’ such as planning.
A new portfolio for Cllr Patrick, or a cynical attempt to offset the Ash/Tongham domination of the Executive.
Paul Spooner
November 9, 2014 at 4:34 pm
I find Martin Elliott’s comments in respect to Ash/Tongham domination rather interesting. If you look back at the constitution of the GBC Executive over previous years there are times when a clear majority of Executive have been from other parts of the borough, actually the current Executive representation is far more balanced than the recent past.
However you may feel that 70% from the east of the borough is the ‘correct’ representation for GBC, and in such a case I can understand your disappointment.
Gordon Bridger
November 10, 2014 at 5:37 pm
Terence Patrick is an excellent choice
John Robson
November 11, 2014 at 7:45 am
The executive members portfolio includes, “SANGs (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space) and green belt protection.”
I’m confused? Maybe this is all too complex for my tiny mind but isn’t this a contradiction?…..If you protect the greenbelt why would you require a portfolio that includes “SANGs”?
Or does the “protection” relate to the greenbelt around Ash and Tongham which will be extended and notwithstanding the directives recently issued by HQ at Westminster, the “trajectory” remains set for the demolition of the greenbelt within the rest of the Borough?
Anna-Marie davis
November 11, 2014 at 9:24 am
Until Ash loses some green belt Cllr Spooner, no-one believes you.
Jules Cranwell
November 13, 2014 at 8:20 am
This is nothing but another cynical political stunt to try to convince those concerned with green belt protection that the Executive have suddenly become the protectors of the green belt.
This is a sop to the electorate in the run-up to the election, after which I suspect they will revert to their well publicised trajectory to ‘roll back’ the green belt.
Unless they take a solemn oath to reverse their proposal to remove 16 of 24 villages from the green belt, they will not be believed.
Colin Cross
November 17, 2014 at 4:39 pm
Whilst it is recognised that Cllr Patrick is a reasonable man, I cannot help feeling that this job offers him very little indeed.
Actually about as much as we will have remaining of our rural economy once Mr Mansbridge and the developers have finished concreting over our fields and farms in the name of progress (or was that profit?).
Never mind Mr Patrick, you will have retired somewhere else by then,no doubt.
Cllr Colin Cross
(The future London suburb of Lovelace)