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County Council Gives Thumbs Up To Guildford Institute Revamp Plans

Published on: 4 Dec, 2012
Updated on: 4 Dec, 2012

The Guildford Institute says it is delighted to have been included in the list of projects being awarded funds from the latest round of the Surrey County Council Community Improvements Fund.

The Guildford Institute in Ward Street.

The award of £30,000 will enable work to go ahead on the installation of a lift, a new wider staircase and fully accessible toilets, making the institute and its many educational and cultural activities truly accessible to all for the first time in its 178-year history.

This is the first step in a programme of works which are to be undertaken as and when funding allows over the next few years and which will bring the interior of the Institute’s Grade II listed building into the 21st century.

Mike Adams, recently appointed chairman of the institute’s board of trustees, said: “I am delighted that this grant from Surrey County Council means that we are now in a position to  implement our exciting development plans.

“I want to thank all those who have generously given the funds to make this possible, not only Surrey County Council, but also SITA Trust, Guildford Borough Council and the many members of the Institute who have also contributed. We are not home and dry on the funding front yet and are still looking for funds to enable us to continue with our wider redevelopment programme so do please get in touch if you can help.”

Jenny Teagle, chairman of the Guildford Access Group, said: “I was delighted to hear that Surrey County Council has awarded the Guildford Institute a grant towards the cost of installing a lift in their building. This will mean that all the talks, courses and other activities which take place in this beautiful building will soon be accessible to everyone in the community.”

Members of the public are welcome to come and see details of the building redesign plans at the Guildford Institute which is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and Saturdays, 10am to 2pm.

For further information contact Trish Noakes, manager, the Guildford Institute, Ward Street, Guildford GU1 4LH. Tel: 01483 562142 or email

To read Surrey County Council’s announcement of its Community Improvement Funds awards, click here.

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