By Martin Giles
Rumours of continued wrangling over who will pay for the repair of the collapsed Tumbling Bay Weir in Millmead continue to swirl around like troubled waters and a Guildford Borough Council statement has confirmed that negotiations continue.
Peter O’Connell, the council’s director of Environment, said: “We continue to work closely with the National Trust and the Environment Agency to mitigate the impact of the collapsed weir.
“Our priority is public safety and making the river navigable again. We have completed a joint initial assessment and have drawn up plans to achieve this. This will include the construction of a portadam and a cofferdam.
“These actions will serve to raise water levels and limit any damage to the river banks. Surrey County Council is also supporting the work by offering specialist expertise.
“We are continuing to work together with NT to agree responsibilities and our priority remains to complete the remedial work, pending a permanent solution as soon as possible.”
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Jim Allen
November 29, 2019 at 10:00 am
Perhaps dredging the mill race cut and allowing full flow through this section would be advisable at this time.