Fringe Box



Don’t Give Thieves A Chance To Steal Your Christmas Presents

Published on: 10 Dec, 2012
Updated on: 10 Dec, 2012

Ordering the turkey, doing the Christmas shopping, putting up the decorations – we all know there’s lots to do over the festive season, but make sure you are not on a burglar’s to-do list by also thinking about your home security.

Surrey Police launched a two-month campaign in October urging the public to see their property from a burglar’s point of view in a bid to stop the traditional rise in burglary offences over the autumn and winter months.

Detective Superintendent Ray Blythe said: “With all the excitement of the Christmas period, people can become a bit lax with their home security – at the very time when they need to be the most careful. Police forces nationally tend to see an increase in burglary offences over the festive period with the long dark nights and people buying expensive gifts to give to their loved ones.

“I would urge people to consider how easy it sometimes is for a burglar to open a window or door to their house. This is not about scaring people, but the last thing anyone wants is to wake up on Christmas morning without any presents.”

As part of the campaign a series of radio adverts are being broadcast over the weeks leading up to Christmas people to protect their homes and possessions and not to make life easy for burglars by leaving their wrapped presents in view under the Christmas tree. A short video entitled The Christmas Presents is also available on the Surrey Police website.

Christmas cards are being sent to dozens of repeat offenders reminding them of the consequences if they re-offend. Officers also continue to carry out additional operational activities targeting high risk areas and known offenders.

To help you enjoy a happy and safe Christmas and new year, Surrey Police recommends the following:

At home:

Don’t leave presents under the Christmas tree in view of a window. Hide them somewhere safe until Christmas morning.

Security mark expensive presents, such as electronic equipment with a forensic marking product and keep an inventory on a property registration website such as

Dispose of Christmas gift packaging carefully. Empty boxes left outside can advertise to thieves what they can find inside.

Going away:

If you are going away over the festive period ask a neighbour or your local Neighbourhood Watch scheme to keep an eye on your house.

Do not post details of your holiday on social networking sites.

Make your house look occupied by using automatic timer switches to turn interior lights, radios or TVs on and off and ensure you cancel your milk and newspapers.

Remember to lock all doors and windows and to set your burglar alarm.

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