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Dragon Interview: Diana Jones, Guildford’s First Green Party Councillor

Published on: 4 Jun, 2019
Updated on: 5 Jun, 2019

Cllr Diana Jones

Diana Jones did not expect to get elected as a borough councillor; she readily admits she stood as a paper candidate having been told by her Green Party colleagues that she need not worry, she had no chance.

So confident of defeat was she that she returned home early from the election count missing the announcement of her victory in the Tillingborne ward election, having to be phoned by a council official to inform her of the result.

She is Guildford’s first Green Party councillor and she now intends to make the most of her success and maximise the opportunity to bring greener policies to bear.

Hear what she has to say about getting involved in local politics, Guildford’s Local Plan, her decision to join the Residents for Guildford and Villages Group and the growing world population.

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