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Dragon Interview: Philip Brooker Conservative Leader at GBC

Published on: 23 Sep, 2024
Updated on: 23 Sep, 2024

Things have been relatively quiet on the borough council front recently but perhaps that is deceptive. Dragon editor Martin Giles wants to find out and is hoping to interview all the political leaders at Guildford Borough Council.

In this interview he questions the Conservative leader of the opposition at GBC Philip Brooker. His Conservative Group is the second largest with ten members, a slight recovery from the 2019 position of just eight seats but still far from the dominant position they have enjoyed for most of the post-war period in Guildford.

Hear his reflections on the 2023 election result, the current administration, council finances, the HRA investigation and the collaboration with Waverley Borough Council…

See also: Dragon Interview: Joss Bigmore, Leader of R4GV

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