We hear, fairly regularly, from Guildford’s MP Anne Milton but what of the others whose constituencies overlap the Borough of Guildford?
Five of Guildford Borough’s 22 council wards lie within the Parliamentary constituency of Mole Valley, centred on Dorking but extending towards Guildford as far as West Clandon. The constituency is represented by Sir Paul Beresford, a New Zealander by birth and a dentist by profession.
The constituency/council boundary overlaps can cause complications. Candidate selection is the responsibility of party associations which follow parliamentary constituency borders and the different MPs, albeit from the same (until recently) political party, can have differing views on our borough council’s policies.
A case in point is Guildford’s Local Plan. Sir Paul has been outspoken in his objections, especially over the inclusion of Wisley Airfield as a strategic housing site.
In this wide-ranging interview with Martin Giles Sir Paul also talks about his reason for raising the situation in Libya, during a Parliamentary debate last week, Brexit (of course!) and generally of his role and experiences as an MP and a minister including work with the police to tackle paedophile crime.
Video recorded and edited by Mark Insoll.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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David Roberts
October 10, 2019 at 12:47 pm
Congratulations to The Dragon for managing to interview our lo-viz MP. Though complacent about national planning policy, Sir Paul could not be more right about the Tory Local Plan, or more wrong in capitulating over Brexit which, among other things, won’t exactly help the research cooperation on prions which he supports.
I wonder what his old patron John Major would say. His Ozymandias vision of a “Hong Kong” in Libya is surely a desert mirage.