By Martin Giles
Let me lay my cards on the table. If my wife had not wanted me to go with her to see this play I would not have gone.
Now I am glad I did.
I am not sure I could agree with one of the many school students in the audience who, after the performance, said: “That was the best thing I have ever seen!” But the overused epithets of “Awesome!” and “Amazing” for once seemed justified. It was certainly impressive and memorable theatre.
Kafka’s Metamorphosis, at least in this adaptation, does not have a straightforward plot line. And perhaps the scripting could have made it clearer. But then the themes are complex, obscure and open to interpretation, a bit like real life, you might say.
It crossed my mind that it was like looking at an abstract painting. You might not understand it, you might not even like it but it somehow fascinates you and leaves an indelible impression.
The story is dark. Gregor, played by Felipe Pacheco, is the central character. He is a young fabric salesman whose income sustains his family, mother, father and sister Grete (Hannah Sinclair Robinson).
Gregor seems to be on a work treadmill, the kind many of us might have experienced, a grinding repetitiveness: get up, go to work, come home, sleep and repeat.
His situation may look bleak enough but a terrible change is coming, a metamorphosis, and how Gregor and the rest of his family deal with it is at the heart of the nightmarish story.
There were many things striking in this production from Frantic Assembly and Lemn Sissay: the distorted and disturbing perspective of the set; the use of music to add drama and tension; the effects and skilfully choreographed movements of the cast; and the clever use of lighting effects and imagery. All fully deserve mention.
The acting is good throughout but special mention must to Felipe Pacheco who plays Gregor. You can feel his pain and his acrobatic ability stands out in a play with sustained physicality.
For me this was challenging theatre but it is thought provoking and impressive. Some seats are still available, but be quick.
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