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Former Councillor Dies Suddenly

Published on: 31 May, 2019
Updated on: 5 Jun, 2019

Former Cllr Mike Piper speaking at the Placemaking and Innovation Executive Advisory Board in April.

Mike Piper, a Guildford Borough councillor for Burphan ward from 2015 until the recent election, is reported to have died suddenly at his home this morning (May 31).

According to local sources, his wife Penny discovered him collapsed on their driveway when she returned home from a shopping trip. Sadly, it is reported, paramedics called to the scene were unable to revive him.

He is believed to have been in his seventies and had served as a Conservative councillor for four years. He worked as a member of the Planning Committee, Placemaking & Innovation Executive Advisory Board and the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

His former ward colleague who also lost his seat at this month’s election, Christian Holliday, said this evening: “I was devastated at Mike’s sudden death today.

“He was very proud to have served Burpham on the council and it was a pleasure working with him on local issues. He had a dry sense of humour that helped keep us going at times, especially during the recent campaign.

Mike Piper (in brown hat) canvassing with Conservative colleagues during the run-up to the recent borough elections. Christian Holliday is on the right and above him Bob Hughes.

“My thoughts, and those of the Conservative Association, are with Penny and the rest of his family at this difficult time.”

Guildford Conservative Association chairman Bob Hughes added: “Christian speaks for Guildford Conservatives, Penny and the family and the many people of Burpham who will miss him deeply. He cut a dashing figure canvassing and the picture [right] is a fitting tribute to Mike.

Burpham resident Jim Allen commented: “It was with sadness I heard this morning Mike Piper had gone before.

“New to being a councillor after the Monika Juneja affair, he served the Burpham community in a quiet and considered way. His efforts to try and solve some problems at the Aldi store was a work in progress when the elections arrived.

“In my view, he was a natural who helped people on a personal level while working on the Planning Committee for the wider community.”

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Responses to Former Councillor Dies Suddenly

  1. Liz Critchfield Reply

    June 1, 2019 at 12:03 pm

    On behalf of the Burpham Community Association, I would like to echo the comments made by Christian and Jim. Mike was always ready to help us and he had been working tirelessly to try and find some way of dealing with Burpham’s horrendous traffic problems.

    He was a good councillor, unshowy, never political but always working on behalf of the community he represented. As I came to know him, I discovered that quiet sense of fun that could deflate the tiresome and restore good humour.

    We shall miss him.

  2. Adrian Chandler Reply

    June 1, 2019 at 12:55 pm

    I was shocked and saddened at Mike’s passing. He stood with me for Onslow in 2011 and I was delighted he was elected in 2015 for Burpham. We will all miss him terribly.

    Adrian Chandler is the former borough councillor for Onslow

  3. Barbara Ford Reply

    June 2, 2019 at 7:38 pm

    We at the Guildford Twinning Association will miss him too. He was a helpful, enthusiastic and very supportive member of our Executive Committee – as council appointee – for several years, and good company too!

  4. Terry Madgwick Reply

    June 4, 2019 at 8:11 pm

    This is really sad news.

    What a lovely guy, who will be greatly missed by many in Burpham and the U3A.

    RIP Mike.

  5. Julia Ann Holliday Reply

    June 4, 2019 at 9:45 pm

    I did not know him personaly, but Christian (Holliday) my son gave me many leaflets of the two of them together on their political missions in Burpham. I know the two of them worked very hard for Brexit which they believed in.

    I know Christian has been very shocked and upset that Mike has passed on. Thinking of Penny and all the family at this sad time. xx

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