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GBC Executive Passes Local Plan Decision to Full Council

Published on: 25 Apr, 2019
Updated on: 26 Apr, 2019

A proposal that Guildford’s controversial Local Plan should be put to a full council meeting this evening (April 25) was unanimously agreed by the six members present at a council Executive meeting this morning in Millmead.

The solitary public speaker, Helen Jefferies, a Wisley Action Group campaigner who disagrees with the inclusion within the Plan of the former Wisley Airfield as a strategic housing site for 2,000 homes, warned that she believed the local pollution levels were exceeding legal limits already. This was denied by a council officer.

Helen Jefferies

Ms Jefferies added that her organisation would be seeking a Judicial Review if the council adopted the plan.

The meeting was also attended by all the leaders of the opposition political groups: Lib Dem, Cllr Caroline Reeves, Independent Alliance, Tony Rooth, GGG, Susan Parker and the Labour Group, Angela Gunning.

Cllr Geoff Davis

Cllr Geoff Davis (Con, Holy Trinity) spoke to urge that delay, after many years of processing the plan, should not be supported. He also pointed out that three of the group leaders Cllrs Reeves, Rooth (before he resigned from the Conservative group) and Gunning had formed part of the cross-party Local Plan Committee where they had been supportive, so he hoped that they could be expected to vote for adoption at full council.

Council Leader Spooner (Con, Ash South & Tongham) admitted at last week’s hustings meeting, organised by The Guildford Dragon, that GGG had been excluded because it was felt they would be disruptive.

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Responses to GBC Executive Passes Local Plan Decision to Full Council

  1. Helen Jefferies Reply

    April 25, 2019 at 2:59 pm

    It’s a shame and somewhat surprising that Cllr Bilbe (a student lawyer, I am told) doesn’t seem to understand the difference between hearsay and a direct quotation – my quotes from the Prime Minister and Richard Harwood QC were verbatim… not rumour or hearsay.

    Cllr Spooner’s attempt to pass off the pollution point as “old news” also shows that the council haven’t read the documentation – I was relying on expert evidence dated 16th April, a review of (another) undated GBC piece of evidence marked April… all evidence presented since the Inspector wrote his report.

    It’s also noticeable that councillors in the chamber have no idea about defamatory comments. I heard at least one. For the record, I had taken expert advice on what I said.

  2. Jan Messinger Reply

    April 25, 2019 at 4:44 pm

    I watched the webcast of this meeting as I have mentioned in another article and as a resident of Guildford was disheartened at the conduct of the lead councillor for GBC who chaired this meeting. I hope other residents watch it and consider what they want for the future of our borough.

    On the 2nd May, we have a chance to vote for our borough councillors. There is so much GBC could be doing to improve where we live. I hope the right people with the right attitude get elected throughout the borough to guide the Local Plan of the future. There may have only been a solitary public speaker but she spoke for many, she was not treated with respect which was disappointing to watch.

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