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Green Lane Signs Illegally Removed Within Days

Published on: 24 Sep, 2012
Updated on: 25 Sep, 2012

One of the warning signs in Green Lane that was removed within days of erection

Warning signs in Green Lane have been removed only days after erection by Guildford Borough Council.

The official signs informed users of the lane that the wider sections in the recently bollarded bridleway were passing places and not parking bays.

As a bridleway, Green Lane should not be used by unauthorised vehicles but some still persist to park cars there while walking along the Hog’s Back and anti social behaviour by some car users has also been regularly reported. It was hoped that the bollards would help prevent this.

A number of those who use the lane remain annoyed with more recently publicised restrictions, imposed since the re-discovery of its bridleway status, which they feel interferes with their enjoyment of the lane as an amenity.

One local resident said: “The removal of the signs is no more than theft and criminal damage. Those responsible should be prosecuted.”

Local SCC and GBC Cllr, David Goodwin, has undertaken to speak to council officers and attempt to have the signs re-installed.

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Responses to Green Lane Signs Illegally Removed Within Days

  1. Daniel Bennett

    September 24, 2012 at 3:54 pm

    Maybe Someone took them down to correct the random Capitalization.

  2. H Bonar

    September 25, 2012 at 5:55 pm

    I don’t see why they had to remove those signs. Now people won’t know where to let their horses pass each other…