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The New Joint Strategic Directors at Guildford and Waverley Councils

Published on: 7 Aug, 2024
Updated on: 8 Aug, 2024

By Martin Giles

As announced in our Borough Council News in Brief article, Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils have appointed two new permanent strategic directors to help lead the officer teams at both councils.

Image: GBC & WBC

Julian Higson has been appointed to the role of Strategic Director for Housing, Communities and Environment. Ezra Wallace has been appointed to the role of Strategic Director for Economy, Planning and Place.

Both appointments follow a recruitment process which saw over 64 applications across the two roles. Interviews were held by the Guildford and Waverley Joint Senior Staff Committee, made up of senior councillors from across parties at both councils.

The appointments mean almost a clean sweep of the senior directors in place before the appointment of the new joint CEO Pedro Wrobel earlier this year.

Only Ian Doyle (Transformation and Governance) remains although he has been on “gardening leave” with full pay since it was announced in February that he had, with another senior director Annie Righton, “agreed to step back on a temporary basis from their respective roles to protect the integrity of the [Housing Revenue Account overspend and fraud] investigation[s]”. Ms Righton’s subsequent resignation was announced in April.

See: Senior Directors Step Back Following New Report on Fraud & Overspend Investigation

No progress has been reported on the investigation since the brief arrest of a suspect in March. In September it will be a year since the investigation became public with the suspension of two council officers and the sacking of five contractors.

Dawn Hudd

Another senior director, Dawn Hudd, announced her departure in May. She left last month to take over as CEO at Arun District Council, West Sussex.

See: Surviving Strategic Director Quits to Take Up CEO Role with a West Sussex Council

Julian Higson had already joined the two councils in March this year as Joint Interim Strategic Director.  He has 30 years’ experience spanning local government, housing associations and the private sector. His previous roles at director level include Bristol City Council and a joint role at Brentwood Borough Council and Rochford District Council. He will take up the permanent role with immediate effect.

Mr Higson said: “I’m delighted to accept the permanent position at Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils. I’ve been really impressed by the passion and professionalism of the officers at both councils. We’ve made some significant progress in just a few short months, and I’m thrilled to be able to continue that and capitalise on the huge potential that exists within both organisations.”

Cllr Maddie Redpath (R4GV, Castle), who has been dealing with  the ongoing maintenance and compliance issues at Wodehouse Place (see: Long Awaited Repairs to GBC Housing Not Expected for Another Six to Nine Months), commented favourably on the new strategic director. She said: “Julian Higson has certainly hit the ground running. Over the last week, I attended two valuable GBC Housing meetings. The new Housing Operations Board, comprising councillors, officers, and most importantly Council residents, aims to tackle long-standing issues within the department.

“At a second meeting with Wodehouse Place residents, a Council-owned property with significant service and repair issues, Julian presented a detailed spreadsheet of issues and actions. In both cases, he demonstrated transparency, accountability, and a commitment to improvement. I am hopeful that these initial green shoots will flourish into meaningful delivery for the benefit of our residents.” (See: Housing Operation Board meeting report here.)

Ezra Wallace is currently Director of Policy & Projects at Westminster City Council, where the new joint CEO Pedro Wrobel worked previously. He has also held a number of policy, strategy and delivery roles at Westminster City Council since 2010. He will take up his position in the autumn.

Mr Wallace said: “Both Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils have some exciting projects in development or planned over the next few years. I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to provide strategic direction and leadership for them. It looks like there are also some major changes coming to planning and economic development. I can’t wait to get stuck in and help both councils make the most of the opportunities these will bring.”

Cllr Julia McShane

The Leader of Guildford Borough Council, Cllr Julia McShane (Lib Dem, Westborough), said: “The appointment of two strategic directors with such great passion and drive further strengthens and supports our commitment to providing the best possible service to our residents and businesses.

“I look forward to welcoming Ezra to our council and I’m delighted that Julian is now permanent. I’m excited for what the future holds with them as part of the senior leadership team. I have no doubt that both will bring experience, dedication and enthusiasm to help us ensure Guildford continues to be a brilliant place to live, work and do business.”

Cllr Paul Follows

The Leader of Waverley Borough Council, Councillor Paul Follows, said: “I’m incredibly pleased that we have been able to appoint two excellent candidates, out of a very strong group of applicants. I’d like to thank everyone involved for their hard work and commitment to doing what is best for our residents.

“The success of our partnership depends heavily on the vision, talent and leadership of our strategic directors. I feel absolutely confident that Julian and Ezra are the right people to help take the councils forward together.”

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