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Guildford County School Party Return From Hurricane Sandy Ordeal

Published on: 2 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 6 Nov, 2012

The party of sixth form students arrived back safely from the the United States where their itinerary had been curtailed by the onset of Hurricane Sandy. One teacher has remained behind with a single student who was unable to travel.

Teachers and students had to sit out the Hurricane in a Gettysburg hotel. They experienced high winds and continuous rain but Gettysburg appears not to have been badly affected.

Their journey back was disrupted when a relief coach driver was trapped by the Hurricane in New York.

A spokesperson at Guildford County School wrote: “The party arrived back yesterday morning as scheduled with the exception of Mrs Black who will travel back tonight with a student who was unable to fly on Wednesday. Everyone seemed in good spirits despite Superstorm Sandy and we all look forward to hearing of their adventures on Monday.”


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