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Guildford “Crack House” Closed By Police and Council Action

Published on: 25 Apr, 2012
Updated on: 30 Apr, 2012

16 Southway Court - Closed up because of drug activity

A ‘crack house’ in Park Barn has been closed down following police and council action.

A closure order on the property, 16 Southway Court, was obtained yesterday (April 24) from South West Surrey Magistrates’ Court by Surrey Police and Guildford Borough Council. This followed the execution of a warrant and the discovery of evidence of drug use and supply found at the address.

The order was granted after magistrates heard the evidence demonstrated the property to be connected to the unlawful use, supply and production of Class A drugs together with associated drugs related antisocial behaviour.

Police notices placed on the premises

The premise has being boarded up as a result of the notification, with notices informing the public it is closed to protect the neighbourhood. Local residents have also received leaflets about the closure. The order was granted with immediate effect and the property will be sealed for a three-month period.

Guildford Borough Council is in the process of repossessing the property. The notice is in place until July 2012 and anyone seen entering the property will be arrested and is liable to receive a fine or face a custodial sentence for breaching the order.

The closure notice comes as a result of concerns raised by local residents at a local police panel meeting on April 11, 2012, when attendees voted for drug problems to be a neighbourhood policing priority.

Sgt. Steve Hill

Neighbourhood Police Sergeant Steve Hill said: “Local residents have suffered serious nuisance, including noise and aggressive behaviour, associated with this property and I hope the community will benefit from the closure order served on the address. I hope now there can be a return to the environment which these people had enjoyed within their locality.

“The purpose of the notice is not only to help the community affected by the persistent behaviour but to offer support to those involved and help them permanently change their behaviour.  I hope this order will send out the message antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated by Surrey Police and we will seek powers such as using the Hearsay Act which was used by residents to give evidence anonymously to bring offenders to justice and keeping Surrey a nice place to live and visit.”

Cllr Sarah Creedy

Cllr Sarah Creedy, Lead Councillor for Housing and Social Care at Guildford Borough Council, said: “With the community’s help and support, we were able to act quickly and effectively to remove the problem and enable the local community to return to normal. This action demonstrates that behaviour of this nature will not be tolerated within our communities. We will continue to work closely with police and neighbourhood teams to stamp out this sort of activity which blights the lives of some residents. ”

Anyone who has information on illegal drug activity or antisocial behaviour in their area and would like some help and advice should contact their Surrey Police Safer Neighbourhood Team by calling 101 or Guildford Borough  Council on 01483 505050.

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