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Guildford Institute Says Farewell to Outgoing Chairman, Rosemary Melling CBE

Published on: 12 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 16 Nov, 2012

After four years at the helm, Rosemary Melling stood down from the chairmanship of the Guildford Institute on Saturday November 10, at the organisation’s annual meeting.

Mike Adams, a friend to the institute as a member for many years and as a trustee for the last two, takes over as chairman, supported by Barry Sterndale-Bennett as vice-chairman.

Rosemary Melling has stepped down as chairman of the Guildford Institute.

Under Rosemary’s leadership, the trustees successfully steered the institute towards a viable future after a split from the University of Surrey in 2008. The Guildford Institute is now a thriving, fully independent provider of a host of courses, talks and other activities for the people of Guildford and surrounding areas.

Rosemary leaves the institute as it is about to embark on an ambitious programme of development to bring its grade II listed building into the 21st century.

Rosemary said: “It has been a privilege to chair the board during this time, when independence brought us new energy and the determination to succeed. I am particularly pleased we have begun to make our historic library collections better known and more accessible It is always good to feel confidence in one’s successor and I hand over to Mike in the certainty that he will build on the foundation laid since independence.”

Taking over the chairmanship, Mike Adams said: “Rosemary has been a strength to the institute and will be a hard act to follow. However, with the support of Barry and our fellow trustees, I look forward to the challenges of leading the institute for the next few years. This will include implementing our exciting development plans, starting with opening up the building to make the activities of the Institute easily accessible to everyone, thus ensuring the future of this valuable community facility. We are planning to start work on the first step of installing a lift in the next few weeks, so I shall be thrown straight in at the deep end!”

Members of the public are welcome to come and see details of the building redesign plans at the Guildford Institute which is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturdays 10am to 2pm.

For further information about the building project contact Trish Noakes, manager, the Guildford Institute , Ward Street, Guildford GU1 4LH. Tel: 01483 562142, or email

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