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Guildford Labour Party Deliver NHS 70th Birthday Cards To Local Hospitals

Published on: 14 Jul, 2018
Updated on: 16 Jul, 2018

Staff at the Royal Surrey County and Farnham Road Hospitals were delighted to receive 70th birthday cards from the people of Guildford.

The chairman of the Guildford Labour Party, Dr Richard Mithen, its women’ officer Amanda Creese (both standing, top left), and staff from the Royal Surrey County Hospital.

Guildford Labour Party collected signatures in Guildford High Street on a very warm Saturday morning last week, inviting all commers to give their support to the National Health Service, which is 70 years old.

A spokesman for the Guildford Labour Party said: “The NHS was created by the reforming Labour Government in 1948, in the teeth of opposition from the established order, and has since become the corner stone of our Welfare State.

Collecting signatures in Guildford High Street.

“It was born out of a long-held ideal that good healthcare should be available to all, regardless of wealth – a principle that remains at its core.

“Speaking to shoppers on Saturday it was clear that the NHS in general, and our local hospitals and GP practices in particular, are still very much loved and valued.

“We heard from people who had been treated in the first months of the NHS and to those with young families who understand its importance. Staff at the two hospitals visited were really touched at this recognition of their work and would like to thank all those who signed their card. Further cards will be delivered to local GPs and Cranleigh Village Hospital.”

Also, the Labour duck, named Jeremy Duck, triumphed over all comers in the Great Yellow Duck Race, an annual event held each year by Surrey Care Trust.

Brian Creese receives his award from the Mayor of Guildford, Mike Parsons.

Jeremy first won a tight heat before going on to win a close final getting his beak over the line of Millford Bridge ahead of the rest.

The vice-chairman of Guildford Labour, Brian Creese, received a splendid duck trophy from the Mayor of Guildford, Mike Parsons.

This great event also raised a great deal of money for Surrey Care Trust and its volunteer narrow boat Swingbridge, that can ben seen on the River Wey Navigation at Guildford.

Surrey Care Trust help more than 3,500 people a year to overcome variety of disadvantages and have a more fulfilled life.

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Responses to Guildford Labour Party Deliver NHS 70th Birthday Cards To Local Hospitals

  1. Brian Creese Reply

    July 16, 2018 at 10:37 am

    A wonderful response from the people of Guildford. The enthusiasm we received was transmitted to the local hospitals and GP practices which we have since presented cards to. Good to have such clear evidence that the NHS is so highly valued in Guildford. Thanks to everyone who signed.

    Brian Creese, is the vice chair Guildford Labour

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