Fringe Box



Guildford Lions Club Cancels Easter Fayre Due To Waterlogged Shalford Park

Published on: 30 Mar, 2018
Updated on: 30 Mar, 2018

Due to a waterlogged Shalford Park, the Guildford Lions Club has cancelled its Easter Fayre, due to take place on Easter Monday, April 2.

On Friday evening (March 30) Eric James from the club said: “I am really sorry to advise you that we have had no alternative other than to cancel our Easter Fayre.

“Our club will incur a significant financial loss as a result of this decision but the safety of the public and the stunt riders who were our main arena event must be paramount.

“Much of the park has standing water and even if the next couple of days were to be completely dry the conditions are such that this would not have any measurable effect.

“All traders etc who had booked have been advised and we are using our social media to spread the word to the general public – anything you can do to help us in this respect would be greatly appreciated.

“We are investigating the possibility of rescheduling for the May Bank holiday weekend and if this does prove to be feasible we will of course be in touch.”

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