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GuilFest Assault Victim Unhappy With Assailant’s Sentence

Published on: 16 Dec, 2012
Updated on: 16 Dec, 2012
Peter Hart with his wife Nicola and young son

Peter Hart with his wife Nicola and young son.

Peter Hart, the victim of a vicious attack when walking home from GuilFest with his wife and young son last July, said that he was unhappy with the three and a half year jail sentence given to his attacker, James Wallington from Merrow, on Friday.

James Wallington - Sentenced to three years imprisonment for the attack on Peter Hart

James Wallington – Sentenced to three years imprisonment for the attack on Peter Hart

“It seems quite short for such a crime,” said Mr Hart. “I know he pleaded guilty but I was told that it this was not his first offence for violent crime.”

His wife, Nicola added: “I would have expected double for what he did. Three and a half years sounds quite a long time but with full remission he could be back out well before that.”

Peter is still suffering from the after affects of the attack. His head injuries had been so severe that his wife was told by hospital staff that he might die.

Describing his current physical state Mr Hart said: “I have a plate on my skull now and sometimes get severe headaches. I still feel weak and my speech is still not completely back to normal. I am still receiving therapy and have not been able to return to work.”

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