Plans for the redevelopment of the site of the former Guildford Methodist Church in Woodbridge Road has been submitted to the borough council by Shanly Homes.
The application, that follows a consultation with local residents and the council, seeks permission for a part three-storey, part four-storey building of 25 one- and two-bedroom apartments.
Regional planning manager at Shanly Homes, James Amos, said: “Given the site’s central location, the design and external appearance of the proposed building have been carefully considered to ensure that it is both an attractive addition to the townscape of Guildford and a suitable backdrop to the long views across the adjoining cricket ground.”
The apartment building has been given a contemporary design, utilising a mix of yellow stock brick, render and cladding panels, punctuated by glazed balconies.
Provision of sufficient parking for the scheme is an integral element of the proposals. The existing basement will be fully extended to build a new underground car park offering resident and guest parking, while existing spaces outside the building will be made available to visitors to the adjoining Dapdune Surgery. Secure cycle storage is also provided.
Shanley Homes said that the inclusion of the full basement level in the design has enabled it to protect the integrity of the street scene by keeping the overall height of the new building to a level similar to that of the existing buildings. However, the scale and height reduces towards the western end of the site where it is closest to Dapdune Surgery and the nearby YMCA building.
In comparison to the former church, which had windows at the rear overlooking the balconies of the communal gardens of the adjoining Dapdune Court, the design of the proposed has angled windows to avoid future privacy issues.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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