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Householders’ Festive Lights Shine Brightly Across Guildford

Published on: 21 Dec, 2012
Updated on: 21 Dec, 2012

Householders across Guildford have been putting up and switching on Christmas lights on the outside of their homes – and if this selection is anything to go by, Fairlands has the overall best display.

Bungalow in Fairlands Road.

Bungalow in Fairlands Road.

We have been out and about taking photos of the lights that range from the pretty and subtle to the, er well, decidedly not so subtle, but nevertheless all in the festive spirit.

House in Fairlands Road.

House in Fairlands Road.

You only have to take a drive around Fairlands in the parish of Worplesdon to see that many houses there are brightly lit up with many different coloured lights. One stretch of Fairlands Avenue is the most brightly lit, with houses on each side drawing a good deal of power from the National Grid.

View along Fairlands Road - here a number of homes are lit up.

View along Fairlands Road – here a number of homes are lit up.

Bungalow in,

Bungalow in Envis Way, Fairlands.

And yet another home in Fairlands!

And yet another home in Fairlands – Littlefield Way.

Unusual decoration lit up in the trees at this bungalow in

The decorations are in the trees at this bungalow in Littlefield Way, Fairlands.

Santa in a tree at the same property.

Santa in a tree at the same property.

On the green at Perry Hill, Worplesdon, there is a lovely Christmas tree covered in lights, courtesy of the parish council perhaps.

Christmas tree on the green at Perry Hill in Worplesdon. Note the moon peeping from behind the clouds.

Christmas tree on the green at Perry Hill in Worplesdon. Note the moon peeping from behind the clouds.

Nearby, on the corner of Thatchers Lane, is a house bathed in blue light.

House on the corner of Thatchers Lane, Worplesdon.

House on the corner of Thatchers Lane, Worplesdon.

The owners of a bungalow in Trodds Lane, Merrow, have once again gone to town with a breathtaking display. This has been a feature for some years now and all donations given by those who stop to look at it go to charity.

The bungalow in Trodds Lane, Merrow, beautifully lit once again this year.

The bungalow in Trodds Lane, Merrow, beautifully lit once again this year.

Here in Trodds Lane they are raising money for charity. £581 so far and counting!

Here in Trodds Lane they are raising money for charity. £581 so far and counting!

We spotted a house in Manston Road, off Marilyns Drive, Burpham, that has lights on the front of the house, in a tree in the front garden, and with a some reindeer lit up beneath it.

Manston Road.

Manston Road.

And to finish off this seasonal selection, Guildford town centre has some bright festive lights. Those in the High Street are no doubt enjoyed by all who see them, while the Legion club in Millbrook is currently bathed in ice blue lights.

The lights in Guildford High Street.

The lights in Guildford High Street.

Ice blue is the colour at the Legion club in Millbrook.

Ice blue is the colour at the Legion club in Millbrook.

In compiling this gallery, we didn’t have time to call on the homeowners whose houses are featured to get their comments – we are a bit busy wrapping presents and doing the food shopping! But if your home is featured, or perhaps someone’s whom you know, do say a few words by leaving a reply in the box below. You might like to let them know that their house is on this website. And if you know of another property in Guildford that currently has that warm Christmas glow with plenty of lights, let us know, by adding a reply. 

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Responses to Householders’ Festive Lights Shine Brightly Across Guildford

  1. brian holt Reply

    December 22, 2012 at 10:46 am

    Yes check out numbers 19 and 49 Shepherds Hill and one in Northway – it’s about number 29 and has a large Father Christmas outside.

  2. David Rose Reply

    December 22, 2012 at 11:09 am

    Thanks Brian. I have see the display on the house in Northway. But it’s not that easy to photograph as the owners parks his van on the drive at night! Might see if I can get him to move it for a picture.
    The inflatable Santa and snowmen are something to be seen when they’re blowing in the wind!

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