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Launch Evening Success for The Guildford Dragon News

Published on: 27 Mar, 2012
Updated on: 11 Apr, 2012

Forty specially invited guests, including Guildford’s MP Anne Milton, Mayor Terence Patrick and the Leader of the Council, Tony Rooth, attended the launch of The Guildford Dragon News website, held at the Angel Hotel on Monday evening, March 26.

Martin Giles and David Rose, the publishers of the new news website, were delighted to see so many invited guests, many of whom have close connections with the local and the business community.

Politicians, Business and community representatives mingle to chat about Guildford's newest news service 'The Guildford Dragon'

Held in the historic hotel’s Angel Crypt bar, this 13th century undercroft was the perfect location for a launch party – bringing together something of the town’s rich history and a venture that encompasses all the latest technology the internet has to offer.

Martin and David gave an illustrated presentation of the features of the new website, showing how news stories, features, community notices and advertisements can be displayed.

The also spoke about their commitment  as Guildfordians, who know the county town intimately, to record Guildford news for Guildford people in a modern,  on-line format, which can be regularly updated.

David Rose, writer and local historian, and with years of experience as a local journalist said: “It was an honour to see so many people tonight who are also equally interested in our town, its news and developments.”

Martin Giles said, “In a healthy democracy it is important for everyone to know what is going on… Important decisions on the town’s future are about to be taken. They need to be  well informed decisions. Our local politicians need to know what Guildfordians think and views needs to be based on good information and reporting. We aim to provide it.”

David added: “Along with the current news stories we will be writing, I am confident that our readers will also enjoy the many local history stories and vintage photographs I plan to publish – not just my words, but those of fellow contributors as well.”

David and Martin wish to thank the management and staff of the Angel Hotel, in particular Jeremy Muscott and Michelle Lassiter, for kindly hosting the evening, providing the refreshments, and making their guests welcome. The Angel Hotel is a Guildford treasure – long may it continue to be so.

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Responses to Launch Evening Success for The Guildford Dragon News

  1. Hazel Munro

    April 4, 2012 at 9:44 am

    Great new Guildford paper, good luck to you both, always nice to read your stuff, so interesting.