Saturday, November 8: a short service of remembrance will be held at the Charlotteville War Memorial, Addison Court, Addison Road, Guildford, at 3pm. It will be followed by tea and coffee and an exhibition about the local area during the First World War. All welcome.
Sunday, November 9: Holy Trinity Church will hold Guildford’s Annual Service of Remembrance on Remembrance Sunday. Military groups will join the civic procession to the war memorial in Castle Grounds after the service at around 11.50am. A short wreath laying ceremony will then take place.
Sunday, November 9: councillors, uniformed and voluntary organisations will assemble at the Ash Centre car park before 10.15am to parade to the Ash War Memorial, led by a lone piper at 10.35am. The service of remembrance will be led by the local clergy accompanied by the North East Hampshire Area School Band. The parade will then return to the Ash Centre for dismissal by the parade marshal. Tea and coffee will be served in the Ash Centre after the service and parade, everyone is welcome.
Sunday, November 9: members of the Stoughton & Westborough branch of the Royal British Legion will march from Northway to St Francis’ Church in beckingham Road, Westborough, for its annual service of remembrance at 10.45am.
Tuesday, November 11: The Mayor of Guildford, David Elms, will join veterans, cadets and guests to mark Armistice Day on Tuesday morning, November 11.
The two-minute silence (at 11am) will be led from the Guildhall balcony in High Street. The mayor will be joined by the leader of Guildford Borough Council, Cllr Stephen Mansbridge, and managing director Sue Sturgeon.
The exhortation will be read before the silence by Bill Wallis, a local veteran and member of the Royal Air Force Association. A bugler will then sound Last Post from the Guildhall balcony.
A maroon will be fired from Guildford Castle to mark the beginning of the two minute silence at 11am and again at 11.02am to end the silence. A cadet from the Royal Grammar School Combined Cadet Force will read the Kohima Epitaph.
Tuesday, November 11: Worplesdon Parish Council invites local people to a wreath laying ceremony at the war memorial at the junction of Clay Lane and Queenhyth Road, Jacobs Well, at 10.45am.
Tea and coffee, provided by Jacobs Well Residents’ Association, will be served at Jacobs Well Village Hall from 9.30am to 10.30am.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Colin McCarthy
November 9, 2014 at 12:38 am
The services of remembrance are when we pay our respect to all those who
lost their lives in war. Lest we forget.
This year marks the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, the 70th anniversary of D-Day and next year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.
There have been many wars in the history of the world. Let there never be any more wars.
We live in a world where we have natural disasters in which many people lose their lives.
We are human beings and our humanity must prevail for the future of mankind.