From David Roberts
I feel a little sorry for Bob Hughes that his recent opinion piece The Local Plan is Vital for Guildford – Vote Conservative has not provoked a greater reaction from Dragon readers. To judge by the temper tantrum which one of my neighbours reports her local MP threw on her doorstep recently, perhaps this is also the response his party is currently getting while out canvassing.
But Mr Hughes’s arguments deserve a response since they are made by a powerful local figure and are not all wrong.
He is right, for instance, to say that the Local Plan involved a “significant cost to taxpayers”. He is right too that the Plan has been around, on exactly the same track, for eight years. Indeed, the Tory idea of flogging off the green belt for development has its roots in the financial crash and George Osborne’s efforts to re-boot the economy through indiscriminate growth.
As early as 2011, a local green belt study proposed the removal of protection from two-thirds of our villages. Two years later, the unfortunate Cllr Monika Juneja incorporated this in her “Issues and Options” proto-plan. And despite her disgrace and (literally) tens of thousands of public objections since then, that is exactly where we remain six years later. No-one can accuse our Tory council of inconsistency.
If the Conservatives were still credibly promising “strong and stable” leadership, this might even be admired. But now? To me, it starts to look more like the bunker mentality of a party time forgot.
In fact, I find it hard to accept any of Mr Hughes’s arguments in favour of the utter inevitability of the current Local Plan. Taking these in order –
So if the vote takes place, let’s see how many councillors vote sheep-like for this detested Plan on Thursday (April 25) – and then take our revenge coolly at the ballot box next week.
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