Fringe Box



Letter: Bramley Residents and Businesses Have Suffered a Lot

Published on: 24 Sep, 2024
Updated on: 24 Sep, 2024

From: Puran Bhardwaj

Bramley resident

In response to: Asda Compensation Offer to Bramley Completely Inadequate

We have had no internet for many months and still in September there is no connection.

Our landline is not working and the TV has no signal.

This happened during our children’s exams and when my wife is going through chemotherapy.

The communications breakdown wiped out my Airbnb and travel business because of this foolish petrol leak and the lack of action to preserve the village’s communication links.

They offer poor health and safety excuses but surely they could install some kind of temporary solution.

The situation is absurd and unfair. Those responsible need to pay the claims for shops and those in the community who have suffered a lot.

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