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Letter: Bus Service Cut Another Example of Ignored Residents’ Wishes

Published on: 28 Aug, 2024
Updated on: 28 Aug, 2024

One of the new electric Surrey Connect buses

From Brian Creese

Labour activist

In response to: Councillors Respond to Criticism Over Withdrawal of Bus Service

The ‘shoppers’ bus services are used predominantly by the older age groups, those who, we know, frequently lack IT skills and confidence in dealing with online culture.

Other demographics might find it easy to book a bus journey online – just like an Uber they might think – but older residents do not.

We saw this from the humiliating climb down forced on the rail companies as the vast majority made it clear they wanted to buy a ticket for a train journey from a person at a station.

I also suspect that the same group frequently travel together on these buses, so the journey is also an important social interaction for some who might be lonely. Unless they organise a group online booking this will also go.

I note that Cllr Matt Furniss says ‘feedback has been positive’. I would be really interested in seeing this feedback and an understanding of how it was collected.

I think that despite these sanguine words, most of the users of these buses will be deeply dismayed by the changes to their services and will feel it is another example of how their wishes are constantly ignored.

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Responses to Letter: Bus Service Cut Another Example of Ignored Residents’ Wishes

  1. Dave Middleton Reply

    August 28, 2024 at 4:12 pm

    Further to Mr Creese’s letter above, I would like to see the raw results of the consultation on the withdrawals, particularly the 538 service. I suspect that there will be no responses to the consultation from anyone who actually used the 538 bus, as the targeting of the consultation appears to have entirely missed those users.

    Alas, with the last run of the 538 bus due to take place on this coming Friday, August 30th, I suspect that the matter is a now a done deal.

    Also, supposedly, the new Surrey Connect service can be booked up to seven days in advance, but I note also that even though this “replacement” service is due to start on September 2nd for the area covered by the 538 service, none of the designated pick-up and drop-off stops are shown on the booking map yet, even though bookings should be available by now.

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