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Letter: Car Park Closure is Wrong-Headed

Published on: 13 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 13 Apr, 2020

Closed off Surrey County Council car park at Wisley

From: Colin Cross

R4GV borough councillor for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham)

In response to: Does the Council’s Closing of Car Parks Really Reduce Risk of Infection?

The opinion piece by Martin Giles is correct at every level and a ringing condemnation of SCC’s actions too.

To shut the car parks at 16 of Guildford borough’s woods and parks, by our local beauty spots, in the name of public protection is wrong-headed and counter-productive.

It has had the direct effect of forcing a quart into a pint pot in our borough because it does nothing to reduce the need for exercising or dog- walking etc but it does mean the remaining walking areas such as Ripley, my home village, are now inundated with visitors on our green and round the lake.

This endangers us all and it is completely unnecessary.

SCC made a kneejerk reaction. Removing vital facilities in this time of need reveals SCC to be totally out of touch with the reality of this lockdown dilemma.

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Responses to Letter: Car Park Closure is Wrong-Headed

  1. Janice Davis (Mrs) Reply

    April 13, 2020 at 2:34 pm

    I am in total agreement, at a time when we are limited in our activities, to shut down beauty spots around, I feel is totally unnecessary as most people are being sensible and not taking advantage.

    It is sad that this step has been taken.

    I am lucky enough to live where woodland walks have not been taped up and almost all the people I see are adhering to the rules.

  2. Daniel Lewis Reply

    April 16, 2020 at 9:43 am

    Living in the Surrey Hills as I do, I and everyone around me were really thrilled when the likes of Newlands Corner were shut off.

    The weekend before, the car park there was full to the brim and there was no social distancing at all. The bikers were everywhere and were all in clusters eating sandwiches. The closures also go a long way to protecting villages such as Shere and Albury against the tides of visitors who come in thereby endangering the residents. I support the council and the National Trust wholeheartedly.

    • Jim Allen Reply

      April 16, 2020 at 3:12 pm

      Sadly they all came to Bower Lane instead.

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