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Letter: Charges Relating to the SCC Letter Are Serious – Resignation Would Be the Honourable Option

Published on: 22 Apr, 2019
Updated on: 22 Apr, 2019

From Gordon Bridger

hon alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

The “Dragon is excellent” say many of its readers and Private Eye which, in this fortnight’s edition, names Guildford in its “Rotten Borough” column.

A proposal for a development of 2,200 houses at Wisley was rejected at a planning enquiry. Carrying on regardless, the borough council retained it in their Local Plan and then to obtain funding for a “garden village” bid, they got the agents of the off-shore registered development company to write a letter of support which was taken to the outgoing SCC leader to sign and which was publicised by GBC as an indication of county council support. Shocking duplicity.

This are very serious charges and the honourable thing would be for those involved to resign.

Secondly, Cllrs Spooner and Furniss are railroading the development plan through the borough council with the supine support of tame councillors by calling an extraordinary meeting on Thursday 25,  just a week before the elections. Those interested could attend the Executive meeting at 10.30am where there is a greater chance to speak than at the full council meeting.

It is hardly surprising that there has been a revolt by so many residents and a new Independent Party formed to challenge them in elections on May 2.

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Responses to Letter: Charges Relating to the SCC Letter Are Serious – Resignation Would Be the Honourable Option

  1. Jules Cranwell Reply

    April 22, 2019 at 3:46 pm

    The honourable thing to do would be to resign.

    They have been caught out being deceptive to garner support for a developer’s interests.

    We did not vote for a shady, offshore company to dictate our housing strategy.

    When are these councillors going to realize that they work for us, the residents, not the interests of developers?

    Now let’s see if they have any honour!

  2. Tony Edwards Reply

    April 23, 2019 at 10:51 am

    Cllr Spooner appears to be in denial.

    My syndication of this press matter and subsequent liaison with the Private Eye correspondent was dismissed as ‘peddling fake news’.

  3. Jan lofthouse Reply

    April 23, 2019 at 2:21 pm

    GBC exposed yet again. Disgrace

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