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Letter: Congratulations to GBC for Green Flag Award

Published on: 19 Jul, 2024
Updated on: 19 Jul, 2024

Castle Grounds Green Flag

From: Olly Azad

In response to: Guildford Castle Grounds and Stoke Park Awarded the Coveted Green Flag

Hurray on some positive and reassuringnews about Guildford Borough Council.

In the past they may have found themselves between a rock and a hard place when dealing with certain issues. However, on this occasion the coveted Green Flag Award is deservedly a celebration for GBC because the Guildford Castle Grounds look magnificent indeed.

In fact, back in 2019 when the town was commemorating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day the castle grounds were awash with immaculate flowers and remember being captivated by the entire space.

The fact that Stoke Park too has been accredited with the award seems to be more reason to visit that vital expanse of green space.

Congratulations to everyone who was involved to make it happen.

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