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Letter: County Council Has Shown Contempt For Hard Working Families

Published on: 14 Jul, 2014
Updated on: 14 Jul, 2014

SCC sign Surrey County Council

From Mary Bedforth

Recent media headlines such as:

“Surrey County Council pay rise shows ‘contempt for hard-working families”;

“MPs quiz council over 60% pay hike”;

“Council leader 60% pay rise slammed”; and

“Pay panel resigns over 60% increase”,

all show that Surrey County Council, under council leader David Hodge, has  demonstrated contempt for hard-working families after Conservative councillors awarded themselves a 60% pay rise, a government minister says.

And a reminder of this Dragon article last year: Lib Dems Criticise Cycle Event Decision Taken ‘In Private’

I see the road closure signs are going up for August 10th.

See also: Government Minister Condemns County Council’s ‘Disturbing’ Allowances Hike

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Responses to Letter: County Council Has Shown Contempt For Hard Working Families

  1. Nick Clarke Reply

    July 14, 2014 at 11:08 am

    As Guildford resident, I agree with this. It is awful.

    I wrote to my local councillor protesting that they had opted for the maximum 2 per cent rise in council tax again. If they could have been more disciplined and accepted a 1 per cent rise then it would have been funded by central government not the taxpayers.

    The reply stated that every possible option had been considered and the 2 per cent was necessary. Many of us have suffered pay cuts during the post credit crunch era and others have lost their jobs. I am tired of public sector workers treating taxpayers as an unlimited resource. We are being squeezed on both sides and it has to stop.

    We need an independent to run on a budget cutting manifesto. They would get a lot of votes.

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