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Letter: Traffic Proposals – ‘I Am Amazed”

Published on: 5 Dec, 2013
Updated on: 5 Dec, 2013

emails letterFrom Bibhas Neogi

Why discuss such ‘controversial’ traffic schemes before the plans for improving the gyratory and the Guildford Town and Approaches Movement (GTAM) study findings are published?

We all would like our roads to be quieter, the traffic lighter and if possible restricted to pedestrians only but the reality is different. I am amazed at the proposal to close Walnut Tree Close to through traffic when the council is consulting on whether to close Bridge Street also as one of their options.

And then there is development of the railway station site by Solum Regeneration, and other sites in Walnut Tree Close earmarked for development by the council. How are these sites going to be accessed from the gyratory?

As for making Mount Pleasant one-way, it should be one-way uphill for safety. Cyclists going downhill would use The Mount. In conjunction with provision for a cycle lane in Park Street which becomes a two-way road (two northbound lanes and one southbound) under a possible gyratory scheme, safe cycle route to Farnham Road, the railway station and to the town centre through Bridge Street could be provided.

I attach a couple of sketches showing these ideas : Farnham Road JunctionWalnut Tree Close.

It would be premature to discuss these traffic changes now and I hope councillors would defer the debate until traffic improvement ideas are proposed under the Local Plan, before or around April.

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Responses to Letter: Traffic Proposals – ‘I Am Amazed”

  1. Marian Coom Reply

    December 7, 2013 at 6:50 pm

    So how would cars going down The Mount turn right onto the Portsmouth Road? As a frequent user of Mount Pleasant we think it would be better to make it one way going down. Then traffic needing to access The Mount/Wodeland Avenue only have to turn from the Portsmouth Rd onto The Mount.

    [This is what is proposed by the Highways Department, supported by Cllr David Goodwin. However, as some have pointed out, it would make it very difficult, if not impossible, for cyclists. Ed]

  2. Bibhas Neogi Reply

    December 8, 2013 at 5:07 pm

    In response to Marian Coom’s query, I would cite Bernard Parke’s comment on ‘Controversial Guildford Traffic Restrictions Due To Be Discussed’) and that is “….Allowing traffic to turn right at the bottom of The Mount on to the Portsmouth Road would solve this problem.”

    However, there is a problem at the junction of the Mount and Mount Pleasant. Vehicles coming down Wodeland Avenue cannot easily turn left or right because of the narrowness of The Mount. Marian Coom is right in saying the answer is to access The Mount from Portsmouth Road.

    When the gyratory is redesigned to have a direct route to Portsmouth Road from Farnham Road via Park Street, rat running through Wodeland Avenue should be stopped. this could be done by extending the one way restriction beyond the Mount Pleasant junction with the Mount so that it continues across the cross roads to the junction with Mareschal Road. This would allow traffic from the Portsmouth Road to cut through to Farnham Road but not the reverse.

  3. Trish Noakes Reply

    December 10, 2013 at 9:52 am

    As someone who was recently the victim of an idiot driver, making an illegal right turn out of The Mount, who then ran plumb-square into the back of my car, as I sat stationary at the pedestrian lights, I can testify that the idea of making The Mount a legitimate right turn is almost as ill-conceived as closing Walnut Tree Close.

    Sight lines from The Mount are dreadful (uphill and round a bend) and trying to predict the flow of traffic from off the gyratory and the incoming side roads is nigh on a lottery as things stand.

    Adding to the mayhem would simply accelerate the process of turning the gyratory into a car-park at peak times.

  4. Bibhas Neogi Reply

    December 11, 2013 at 2:09 pm

    As Trish Noakes said, an idiot driver making an illegal turn. Of course, it is not a straightforward matter of allowing a right turn out of The Mount, a more thoughtful redesign is necessary.

    A possible redesign would involve creating a mini roundabout at the junction, moving the pedestrian crossing south by 15 meters and providing another crossing about 10 meters north of the junction. Also only allowing left turn out of The High Street into Portsmouth Road. The layout is shown in the sketch. It may require some minor modifications to suit the road geometry.

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