From: Dragon Reader
Name and address supplied
I think there are a lot of people in the Guildford area within the age and disability groups most at risk in this pandemic who (like me) are embarrassed at the thought of asking for help.
We are not comfortable in asking for assistance from strangers, but some of the behaviour in supermarkets and elsewhere makes the elderly afraid, in some cases, to go out to shop for food. The suggestion of reserving certain hours for the elderly to shop also does not seem very successful.
My reason for writing this letter is to query whether there is any sort of body or group available to help the elderly in shopping.
It would be too much to expect individual help but a group helping several families or individuals would make the request less
Are there such groups?
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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D Watkins
March 26, 2020 at 2:26 pm
Voluntary Action South West Surrey (website: are coordinating this in our area and their contact details are below.
Voluntary Action South West Surrey (website: to take on the vital role of coordinating this in our area and their contact details are below:
01483 565456 or
Please ask for help if you need it.
Ramsey Nagaty
March 26, 2020 at 3:05 pm
Yes there are local groups GBC working with
Volunteering through Voluntary Action South West Surrey
We know that a lot of people are offering help and support to our communities, those who are self-isolating and those who are ill at this time. It is however important that this is done in a safe coordinated manner.
If you would like to volunteer we suggest you contact the VASWS Volunteer Centre on 01483 565456 or email
They are a central hub and will coordinate your help to people who need it. Visit for more information
And Compton PC with Emma Terry or parish clerk 01483
268627 Joanna
Ramsey Nagaty
GGG borough councillor for Shalford Ward
Kathleen Parrish
March 26, 2020 at 3:51 pm
I too have yet to hear about any helpers to get our shopping and medications. I tried to book online with Sainsbury’s, but first I could not get through on their phone contact and on following the link for help it looks like somebody has got to nominate you for help. I live on the outer stretches of Guildford under GBC. How can we stay in?
Graham Osgood
March 26, 2020 at 6:02 pm
Ring Community Transport run by Guildford Borough Council on 01483 458052. Open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. Community Transport is not closed during this period and continue to run shopping trips to local supermarkets.
They are a door-to-door minibus service and at present have lifted their usual shopping bag allowances in order to help vulnerable people. They have trained staff and will help you to your door with your shopping. They also cater for wheelchair users and people with mobility issues.
Highly recommended.
Jan Chapman
March 26, 2020 at 6:59 pm
There are lots of groups for the various areas. We have one in Shalford.
Perhaps Dragon readers could say where they are and we could help find the right group for them.
News team replies: Check out a list we have started in a section called Community Help During Covid-19 Crisis. It can be found under the main section headings on the home page.
It can also be found by clicking the red block to the left of the home page under the Latest Articles column.