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Letter: Guildford Politics – Still a Disgrace

Published on: 29 Aug, 2019
Updated on: 29 Aug, 2019

Cllr Susan Parker

From Neville Bryan

In response to: GBC Executive Shock as GGG’s Susan Parker Resigns Over ‘Conduct’ Claim

Frankly speaking, the last two weeks of Guildford local politics have been, even by Guildford standards, utterly disgraceful.

The behaviour, shown firstly at the planning meeting held August 14 (on record), is unbelievable. Now the guns have turned squarely on Susan Parker following her resignation from the GBC executive this week. This is frighteningly reminiscent of the previous unpopular Tory administration shown the door so spectacularly in May.

To my knowledge, Sue has always been, and remains, a staunch protector of our environment. This environment is for all of us. You only have to read Sue’s letter of resignation to understand her reasons for resigning, and they are worth a read, exposing as they do the reality of the new Council leadership.

Now from GBC we get a hastily prepared press release dragging Cllr Parker’s name through the GDPR mud. You only have to know Sue and the thought she puts into written communication to understand that this is highly unlikely. Conservative David Bilbe, and Lib Dem George Potter could not wait to join in. I have no doubt though, here the truth will out in the end and hats will be eaten.

Oh how different from that splendid day in May when faced with the realities of the Tory’s failed Local Plan promises, the public voted massively for change.

Now, less than four months later, Sue’s resignation exposes the stark reality. Rather than the Lib Dems following the clear public outcry and reacting to that anger to drive change, they instead are still actively supporting the original disgraceful Local Plan.

All so very different from the expectation of change so many voted for and expected in May.

It seems all we got was a Tory regime in disguise. George Orwell eat your heart out – if you can still find an Animal Farm in Guildford borough, that is.

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Responses to Letter: Guildford Politics – Still a Disgrace

  1. Ben Paton Reply

    August 29, 2019 at 9:32 pm

    The sheer hypocrisy of this council beggars belief. The so-called Code of Conduct is routinely honoured in the breach by officials and the Executive. Their intellectual dishonesty is breathtaking.

    The only occasions when they refer to the Code is when they seek to wield it to punish anyone who has the courage to speak truth to power.

    Referring Cllr Parker to the Information Commissioner was a puerile attempt by officials to ‘tell on’ a councillor for doing her job. The alleged breach is a self-serving and untested assertion that is little better than a slur. Even were it true, which is unlikely, it amounts to a time-wasting triviality both in absolute terms and in relation to the matters about which Cllr Parker was legitimately complaining.

    I hope that the Information Commissioner is obliged to look into this politically motivated report and that he censors GBC and its officials for using the code in this petty and pusillanimous manner.

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