In response to: Judge Quashes Ash Green Building Permits Over ‘Seriously Misled’ Guildford Council
I am also very disappointed that Cllr Bigmore is disappointed with the Judicial Review.
I understand that he must support his useless planning officers but the R4GV Party got my backing for saying they would stick up for the devastated villages.
It seems that having got some power, like lots of politicians they have been corrupted by the power they sort to achieve.
We in Send have not only the threats of Wisley but in our village, we have the destruction of ancient Woodland at Garlick’s Arch and the massive increase in vehicles and people in an already overcrowded area.
As our village was moved by Cllrs Spooner, Furniss & co outside the green belt we now have hundreds of developments going on in our village. We were hoping the R4GV would challenge the dreadful destructive Guildford Local Plan, not be disappointed at somebody challenging it.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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