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Letter: I Was Not Involved in the Solum Scheme

Published on: 30 Oct, 2019
Updated on: 30 Oct, 2019

From Jenny Wicks

former borough councillor for Clandon & Horsley

In response to: More Development Projects Were Possible Had People Cooperated

A clarification.

The redevelopment of Guildford Station was encouraged by a specific policy in the 2003 Local Plan which said that planning permission would be given for a comprehensive redevelopment of the site.

In my time as lead councillor for Planning (which ended seven years ago), an excellent scheme evolved using top architects and transport planners.

It involved bridging over the train tracks and having a major part of the development on top, together with multi-storey car parking, a modest amount of retail, better access for taxis at both sides of the station and other features.

Sadly, in the end, the potential developers decided that the scheme was not viable.

I was not involved in the Solum scheme.

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Responses to Letter: I Was Not Involved in the Solum Scheme

  1. Robert Shatwell Reply

    October 31, 2019 at 3:19 pm

    What a far-sighted councillor Jenny Wicks obviously was. I have suggested that Woking Council do the same but it clearly does not fit in with their plans.

    There is a huge amount of space above even the smallest railway station. To say it is not possible is just narrow mindedness at it’s worst. Birmingham New Street station has a veritable town built above it.

    How I wish we still had councillors like Lady Wicks.

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