Fringe Box



Letter: It Would Be Tragic If The Electric Theatre Closed

Published on: 5 Nov, 2015
Updated on: 12 Nov, 2015

The seaside's coming to town - outside the Electric Theatre.From Pauline Surrey

I have been to so many wonderful theatre performances at The Electric since 1998 and I have followed so many of the performers over the years.

I was there last night for Merrow Dramatic Society’s performance of Lillies of the Fields, wonderful performances yet again.

Where will all these brilliant “am dram” groups go if the theatre, that was, if I remember rightly, opened expressly for their use, should close?

And then there is the jazz, the Surrey Mozart Players, the comedy, the Book Festival talks, so many other brilliant uses of that space. How tragic if it closed.

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Responses to Letter: It Would Be Tragic If The Electric Theatre Closed

  1. Chris Fox Reply

    November 6, 2015 at 9:10 am

    As a councillor and as leader of the council in the 1990s I was an enthusiastic supporter of the Electric Theatre and its use by amateur groups.

    It is yet another jewel in Guildford’s crown which our Conservative councillors seem intent on destroying. Are they really all the philistines they appear? Does their vision of the borough always start and end at pounds and pence?

    Chris Fox is a former Lib Dem borough councillor and council leader.

  2. Pauline Surrey Reply

    November 6, 2015 at 4:39 pm

    There are some things you can’t put a price on. The vibrancy of a town depends on things like its cultural offering, not just shops and ever-changing restaurants.

    For me at the Electric on Wednesday, to observe all those friends from so many of the local am dram groups socialising in the interval, people I have watched in so many different great productions here over the years, was wonderful! We can’t lose this. Our town would be so much the poorer!

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