From Bill Stokoe
director of Guildford Vision Group
Having voted for the Local Plan, it’s a bit late for councillors to be complaining about this Solum development.
For years, precisely to avoid such damaging planning applications and approvals, Guildford Vision Group (GVG) has been lobbying for a master plan for the town centre.
There are, at present, no effective policies to prevent another Solum.
We can only hope the new administration remedies this through well-drafted SPDs [Supplementary Planning Documents] and DPDs [Development Plan Documents] to support the otherwise inadequate Local Plan when we encounter town centre development.
GVG’s masterplan encompasses such development in this location, including much-needed new homes.
But that is in the context of a people-first approach, with an integrated transport hub, proper town-centre infrastructure and joined-up thinking redevelopment, as well as joined-up cycleways and pedestrian space.
Let no one call this a station redevelopment. It’s a speculative development alongside railway tracks that delivers merely a marginally bigger ticket hall for the privilege, plus £25 million for Network Rail’s back pocket, all unconnected to Guildford’s need for a better passenger and community facility.
Rail passengers, especially the vulnerable with mobility issues, get very little out of this scheme.
And with no movement from Solum on repositioning elements of the scheme, Guildford is denied the chance to build in resilience for train operations through the addition of “Platform 0” on the east side.
Over the next few years, focus must now shift to the west side where, through careful development, to remedy some of the infrastructure deficit just might be possible.
To achieve that would require the active and imaginative co-operation of Solum and Network Rail and, not least, the inspired guidance of the council planning team.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Colin Cross
October 30, 2019 at 2:19 pm
The opening statement from Bill Stokoe is extremely misleading.
By no means did all the GBC councillors vote for the Local Plan as he implies and many of us continue to do all in our power to change its direction.
If the Judicial Reviews do succeed this may go a long way to help us but if they fail we must fight for an early review of the plan in the light of the rapidly changing local circumstances.
The mystery remains as to why, if Mr Stokoe is so opposed to the Local Plan, he stood at the May election as a Tory? He must have known they were the perpetrators of this dire Plan so why not fight them rather than attempt to join them?
Currently, the Tory numbers are down to eight councillors, so he has at least escaped from becoming one of an endangered species.