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Letter: Just Saying ‘Make It So’ Is Not Good Enough

Published on: 3 Oct, 2024
Updated on: 3 Oct, 2024

Green Belt protection has been a contentious issue

From Jim Allen

In response to: GBC Asks Housing Minister to Reconsider Guildford’s Housing Target

I have often been accused of having my head in the sewers but adequate sewage capacity is an essential part of our infrastructure.

The new new sewage works will have a maximum capacity for 120,000 people and under the current Local Plan this will be exceeded by 2030.

All other STWs [sewage treatment works] are at capacity and sufficient water supply does not currently exist.

Our ability to meet the plan’s rate of construction is currently not being met and potable water supply will be outstripping available mother nature supply within 20 years if not before.

We are in Star Trek world; we cannot simply, “Make it so”!

Reality and current political policies are impossible to balance.

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