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Letter: More Development Projects Were Possible Had People Cooperated

Published on: 29 Oct, 2019
Updated on: 29 Oct, 2019

From Stephen Mansbridge

former Guildford Borough Council leader

In response to: Work to Start on ‘Blot on the Landscape’ Station Redevelopment Despite Concerns

The Solum project has been resisted since it began with a committee chaired by ex-councillor Lady Wicks in 2010. I have followed most of the journey since and I am pleased that, at the very least, Guildford is to get more brownfield housing and other facilities on the west side of the station, because the alternative was nothing.

I think Jan Messinger sums it up: the 1813 view is spoilt. Whilst I respect her opinion, it is synonymous with the attitudes and problems of some in Guildford’s communities.

Just take a look at the town, because it is in a sorry state. The only good news refurbishment in recent years has been Tunsgate, executed by a private developer. The remainder is a list of failure and/or source for constant objection, at considerable public expense: the 2015 town centre plan, North Street, the Clay Lane link road, the Local Plan, the Casino Corner and that derelict quarter.

The housing at Guildford Park Road was started in 2013 and the site remains unbuilt. All these projects were possible, had people decided that cooperation was the path to success. They did not and the result is not conjecture, it is evident and it surrounds us all.

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