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Letter: MPs Must Knuckle Down To Their Homework

Published on: 28 Sep, 2019
Updated on: 28 Sep, 2019

Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Parliament yesterday. BBC Parliament channel

From J Dickinson

In response to: A Day To Remember, Witnessing Our Parliament Roar Back Into Inaction

Firstly, well done Martin Giles and The Dragon for an excellent article.

In view of the fact that Brexiteers claim that returning sovereignty to the UK is one of the key benefits supposed to arise from leaving the EU, one has to wonder about the motives of those cheerleading or supporting the Prime Minister’s means to this end.

The unanimous conclusion of the UK’s Supreme Court judges was that the government’s actions were unlawful. I know it is a lengthy read, so click here for a helpful summary.

However one looks at it, it is ridiculous to suggest that it was necessary to devote five weeks to the preparation of this particular Queen’s Speech. Parliamentary work does not normally get stopped during a conference recess.

Members of the government do not need, nor are they able, to attend the conferences of other political parties, and they’ve just had a far longer summer break than most of the people who pay their wages. There was absolutely no need to stop our elected and highly paid MPs from doing their jobs for over a month, so this prorogation was not lawful.

In the case of the Conservatives MPs, their job is to negotiate for us the rose-tinted, economy-boosting deal that they promised the electorate would be easily available, and do that in the next couple of weeks. They then have the rest of the month to show themselves capable of convincing enough cross-party MPs that it stands up to the promises made in the Leave manifesto.

Enough of the silly, schoolboy behaviour; this particular bit of homework is not going to go away, you’re not going out to play until it’s done (however long that takes) so you may as well knuckle down to it.

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Responses to Letter: MPs Must Knuckle Down To Their Homework

  1. David Roberts Reply

    September 28, 2019 at 5:59 pm

    The mention of homework reminds me of the quip that David Cameron was an “essay crisis” Prime Minister. Civil service colleagues tell me his premiership was one long series of panics to cobble policies together at the last minute.

    In that case, poor old Theresa May might be termed the “too much homework” PM. I was her contemporary at Oxford and can imagine her slogging doggedly through her geography essays, desperate to achieve a B+.

    Does this perhaps leave Boris Johnson as the “skive off and crib it” PM? This certainly sums up the air of schoolboy chicanery that seems to cling to him.

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